Tuesday 2 April 2013


The work of Erté (Romain de Tirtoff), the popular fashion illustrator of the 1920’s and 30’s, had a particular relevance to me because of the pattern-like quality of his illustrations. He has a particular way of using shape and layout to frame his work that makes it appear almost as a section of a repeat pattern. Much of his work has a geometric feel to it, though in actual fact, he rarely uses such simple shapes, and this I feel adds to its pattern quality. 
In addition to this, his work often shows in great detail the embellishment, decoration and print of the garments he illustrates, often so much so that these elements become the main focus of the illustration.  I find his work very visually inspiring for both this attention to pattern and for his use of colour. There is a narrative to all of his work, though it was used for depiction of clothing, rather than narrative illustration. Looking at his work made me consider how illustration can be used to create pattern.